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‘Cold Night’ is the first single from the band New Wave Kill
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Watching the smoke of my cigarette
Wind blows the leaves from the trees and the rain
Is running down
And I hear you going down
I’ll lend you my hand to save you
I will get you to be everything that I couldn’t
Cause you’re my son
I will get you to be everything that I couldn’t
Cause you’re my son
Watching the smoke of my cigarette
Wind blows the leaves from the trees and the rain
Is running down
And I hear you going down
I’ll lend you my hand to save you
I will get you to be everything that I couldn’t
Cause you’re my son
I will get you to be everything that I couldn’t
Cause you’re my son
I will get you to be everything that I couldn’t
Cause you’re my son
(C)2022 The Cave Records