Top 10 Most Iconic Scenes in British Cinema

Top 10 Most Iconic Scenes in British Cinema

Even if you haven’t seen the movie, everyone knows these memorable moments. For this list, we’re rolling through the archives, to determine the most memorable, influential and all round incredible scenes in British movie history. From “Trainspotting” to “Alien”, there have been some corkers!

Check out these other brilliantly British videos from WMUK:

Top 10 Greatest Opening Scenes in British Film –

Top 10 British Films That Changed Cinema Forever –

Special thanks to our user RichardFB for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool:

#10. Queuing at the Dole Office
#9. “What have I done?”
#8. Sergeant Howie’s End
#7. The Cliffhanger…
#6. A Real Eye Opener
#5. Choose Life
#4. The Bright Side of Life
#3, #2, #1: ???


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